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Jay Cutler je z kola von ! Na pódiu ho neuvidíte.

by Andrej
Jay Cutler a jeho aktuálna forma

Štyri násobný držiteľ Mr. Olympia Jay Isaac Cutler sa tohto ročnej Olympie nezúčastní.



Jay Cutler a jeho aktuálna forma

Jay Cutler a jeho aktuálna forma


I will not be competing this year in the Mr. Olympia. I did try to get back on track with my training and my eating, but there was simply too much going on with my business ventures. The only way I would compete is if I can put 100 percent into it, and the timing wasn’t right for this year. And honestly, it wasn’t until mid-July that I even made the decision to return in 2013 and try to get my title back from Phil, just like I got it back from Dexter in 2009. But this year, for the first time in 10 years, I want to just sit back and watch the show— who moves up, who moves down— and start training full-throttle for the 2013 Mr. Olympia not too long after. Next month in MD, I will give the full story behind my decision to sit this one out, and how and why I know I can get my title back next year. 


V skratke: Snažil sa vrátiť späť do formy po úraze ale nepodarilo sa mu to na 100 percent. Skúsi zobrať titul Mr. Olympia nabudúci rok od Phila tak ako to urobil v roku 2009 (keď prebral po Dexterovi Jacksnovi). Tento rok to bude prenho po 10. rokoch čo si sadne doma a bude pozerať show v telke. Kto sa zlepšil kto zhoršil. A potom začne s plným nasadením trénovať na Mr. Olympia 2013. Ďalší mesiac by sme sa dočkať aj celej story v časopise Muscle Development.



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